Wednesday 25 February 2015

Day twenty five - Wednesday 25th Feb

Wow, am I glad we made this 'Second Dinner' week. Cheese and rice it's been a long week and we're not done yet. Cooking has come waaaaaay down the priority list in terms of 'things Rob has to concentrate on', and so my pre-planning has come to save me.

Last night the blog had to give for reasons of my sanity and to tell you the truth, you're not going to get much more out of me tonight. Throwing my time between travelling and some difficult meetings at work, as well as meetings in the evening, The Childs school and let's not forget extended family, all of which has pretty much done me in for the time being. Can we re-set please?

What I can remember of yesterday contained poo porridge for breakfast, cheese sandwiches (although Mrs P did manage to sneak a sarnie made with her fav bread which I suspect gave her some satisfaction with the day) followed by a carbonara made with the defrosted left over cheese sauce we made for the lasagne last week.

Chopped up bacon and mushrooms along side some cheese sauce and the remaining pasta gave us a meal in under 20 mins. Jamie 'Cock-a-ney' Oliver would be proud. 

Today was a measure of the same - jam toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch with a couple of apples to perk us up through the day (which at least gave us some natural sugar lift) and retrieving the Cottage Pie from the freezer gave us dinner with a minimal amount of fuss. These leftovers even managed to feed 4.  Yep, yet another extra adult for tea!  Good work. 

Man alive, I'm hoping that this week gets better.

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