
Monday 24 February 2014

bora HotSpa Resort - Radolfzell, Germany

We've got a factory in Radolfzell, nestled right next to Lake Constance on the Swiss border, which makes boring things out of metal and plastic but up until now, I've never been there. Recently we had a meeting of a section of our workforce and I was one of those who went along. To be honest, the food was a bit like our factory; functional and very German. The buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner were all plentiful and while tasty, lacked a certain flair. 

The dinner (pictured), although delicious, allowed you to choose veal, salmon, pork or some kind of wiggly-pasta-worm-things. Of course, if you are like me and are not sure if the current social situation will allow you to go back multiple times to try each thing - you'll get everything at once. The veal was nice and soft, the pork was juicy but the salmon was over-done. I'm not going to mark them down though because as a whole, cooking for 50 people at once is going to have a few casualties (the beans in the top left are a classic case in point).

The puds had a choice of two, some mousse in a glass and cheese. I had cheese. Hard ones, soft ones, gooey ones, smelly ones. Lots of cheese. 

Yes, that's three plates. Of cheese.

So that's the food and all that's left is to post some pictures of the hotel and lake.

A colleague did wonder why those crazy Germans had left the scaffolding on... they didn't get the joke. Finally, just in case there is any doubt (Mrs P. I'm looking at you...), here is where I spent my time over the two days:

Oh yeah, sheer luxury.

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