The old bag lady picking up tinned tomatos and cat food, the drunken man looking for a post pub saturated fat fix or the young couple with baby hoisted between them. They all paled into insignificance however, when I turned the corner to see what reductions I could pick through at the end of the day and came face to face with.... a six year old child. Now, my daughter is six but at 11:30, she has already been in bed for (quickly counting on my fingers), four and a half hours. I do NOT think to myself, 'I know, I need to pop out so I'll wake up my child, get her dressed, put her in the car, drive her to the shops and let her run through the store while I saunter along picking up the totally random item that I simply couldn't wait until morning for.'
Cheese and rice, there are some crazy, crazy people out there.
Aaanyway. The point is, that before I left, I thought to myself, I'll bring Mrs P. back a little something and there is no little something that she appreciates more than a bar of Dairy Milk. Every now and then I scour the shelves for a new treat that will get me in the good books. Since the Kraft introduction, we're getting a few new flavours as they try to find their feet and so it was with the mix of Daim with the original.
Now, I do like a good bit of Daim but here in lies the issue. By chopping up the crunchy, nutty caramelly bar they lose a bit of what I liked best about it. I wanted a good bit of Daim to melt in the mouth and crunch on the crunchy bits but what I got was more like Daim dust. It just stuck in the teeth and felt too granular. Not one to make it to the regular shopping list. Sorry Cadbury, C+, OK but should try harder.