
Friday 13 February 2015

Day thirteen - Friday 13th Feb

It's Friday and thanks to Mrs P I'm still bang on track with the goal of a post every day. Nice one Mrs P. Make no mistake, this week has been bis-ay, which is like busy just with more attitude. We've been stretched out and no mistake but I have to say that our plan on larger meals cooked early on really paid dividends as there were still good dinners to be had in a rush.

Just so we're clear, it's 11:00pm on a Friday night the day after I've spent two days driving for over six hours straight each time with a few meetings in-between and then spent today doing all the work I couldn't do yesterday because I was driving all bloody day (did I mention that already?). This post is not going to be great.

Breakfast was toast. Lunch was chopped lettuce and cucumber with the rest of the dressing made earlier this week and tea was home made chicken dippers, mash and beans.

Cut your chicken into flat chunks, egg them and cover in blitzed, seasoned stale bread then shallow fry. I had a problem with not using enough oil so the last lot of dippers went darker and were on the edge of going over. I'm not used to frying and don't own a deep fat fryer so I've got to try and remember more oil next time!!

I like doing home made dippers, they are great for the kids and considering The Child brought a friend home for tea tonight we had smiles all round - which anyone who knows what a mine field it is to cook for a previously unknown child, I'm pretty pleased with that result. Plus you know what's going into them, they're a cheap and healthyish as well as a good interesting texture. It's that diversity in textures in foods that they already know that get kids looking at and interested into different tastes.

Also, if you really want to know what mash and beans look like, next time I see you remind me to give you a slap.

Anyway - normal service should resume tomorrow.

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