
Wednesday 21 January 2015

Chicken Sandwiches

First of all - I'll warn you: This is not a post with pictures. I just ate a chicken sandwich, and  I had to write about the experience  before I forgot just how good it was. Spoilers - it was really good.

I didn't have a particularly bad day and I didn't have a particularly great day but I got home and just wasn't very hungry. I made the Child dinner then Mrs P and I settled down for a bit. After a while I got the munchies so I butterflied a couple of chicken breasts, seasoned with sea salt and cracked black pepper, sprinkled them with smoked paprika and cayenne then fried them until crispy on the edges, blackened on the outside and juicy in the middle. That would have been awesome just as it was but then cut and rested, the now almost irresistible chicken was transferred to a multigrain farmhouse slice of malty perfection layered with a splurge of mayo, then topped with crispy iceberg lettuce, scattered with capers and the merest swipe of ketchup.

Warming, crisp, sweet and salty in every bite, very much like Mrs P.

There were no pictures because it didn't make it out of the kitchen before I gave into temptation and scoffed half of it. Perhaps next time. There isn't really a recipe because who needs a recipe to make a chicken sandwich?? Get chicken (good), fry chicken (always good), stick in nice bread (still good) and cover with other stuff you like = goddam awesome sandwich. Why would anyone do it any other way??? 

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